2008年5月23日 星期五

God never forget

I will be travelling Japan this coming Sunday, 6 days 5 nights with my colleague and her family.
I don't change much Japanese Yen cuz I don't make much budget to buy something back. Japan's living cost is just too high, may be 2.5~3 times Taiwan. What else can I buy then? So I only get 10K Yen changed. The trip itself is enough for me to enjoy, not necessarily shopping. I can't afford to buy something expensive by the way.

Anyway, I am just looking forward to this coming Sunday.

However, I received a surprise from Pastor Daniel tonight.
I just shared my story of angel being sent before this CNY. I am a grown-up, though still being single, I used to give away Ang Pow to my parents, my nieces and nephews, and perhaps some other relatives. However, it looks like that nobody remember to give me a blessing.
Then I complained this to Andrew while he wished me to get a big Ang Pow during CNY. It scarcely happended and I guess I wouldn't have received any.

I don't know if my Heavenly Father had told Daniel secretly. Just 2 days after I whinned, and before I went back to Malaysia, Daniel passed me an envelope with something inside. I didn't know what it was inside at that moment, but I was sure that was a blessing indeed and I did think there is a AngPow inside.

I received it with much appreciation and I even thought of only open it up when it was CNY. However, my curiousity just drived me to open it after I came back home.
I was shocked when I opened it. It was a NTD5,000 Ang Pow - the biggest one I had ever received.. OMG

I just wonder if it was given by Daniel or his wife, so I made few calls to them to clearify it out. It was Daniel!!!
When I asked him why the AngPow is so big, he replied "it is ok then.. just remember to buy some presents for your mom" in very easy way.. WOO...

My pastors themselves don't even switch on the air-cond when they stay alone in the office, but generous enough to give others. We all know that they didn't get any fixed salary since the day they began to serve God. What a servant!!
So, I receive another cash gift tonite - 10,000 Yen.

Thanks God. You never forget. It is not the money count but LOVE.

2008年5月16日 星期五

You'll never work alone lyrics

When you walk through a storm
hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the dark.

At the end of a storm is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of a lark.

Walk on through the wind,
Walk on through the rain,
Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,
You'll never, ever walk alone.

Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone,

You'll never, ever walk alone.

2008年5月15日 星期四

What bothers you??

I was pissed yesterday..
3 male colleagues sudden made fun of me, while 2 saying "XX(me) 借你" and another youngster replied with "no, I don't want". Actually, it is not big deal, right? Sure I know it is local Taiwanese culture to make fun of others, like what the entertainment programs do. Bad imitation, I must say.
But how if it becomes 2 or 3 times more? Especially when a lady like me aged at 30 something, at least 7 years elder than them. Some sensitive sentences or words supposed not be mentioned, even though you know I am old enough to get married yet I don't have any special boy friend.
But HEY!!!! what wrong with you I have no boy friend? so that you like to insult me this way?
I didn't scold them but clearly told them they are going too far and I am angry with them. It really annoy me. You can say that they are too young and immature to behave like that. But I never think that a guy who is 20 something, those who has at least graduated from colleage would acting like that, no respect for lady at all.. I must say this is very very rude indeed.
I didn't tell others, especially mars. Sure she will be mad about their words and want to teach them a lesson for me. Yes.. I had been thinking this matter the whole night. Anything wrong with me I can't meet someone when I am still young, so that others can make this fun on me?
There is a point that I am so angry and dissapointed and would like to yell to God. "OK. I decided to keep single FOREVER even if I feel alone? OK?"
It has been very frustrated when I dreamt that I have intimate touch with different gender. O dear Lord, could you please get rid of this kind of lust?